Connecting nature and culture with hearts and minds
What do you want to show? What do they want to know?
Draw people into your world with high-quality interpretive planning, graphic design, writing, illustration and multimedia.
Joy Fatooh draws on knowledge and love of the arts and sciences to bring beauty and accuracy to your booklets, brochures and posters; waysides and kiosks; visitor centers; natural history illustration; multimedia products including websites, videos and podcasts; and outdoor education programs and events.
Contact Joy to work with you from planning through production, bringing your vision to life:
joy at fatooh dot org
Images on this page
- Banner: Pine Hill flannelbush, a rare plant - acrylic painting
- 1932 Ford Victoria at Bodie State Historic Park - acrylic painting
- 1932 Ford at Bodie, acrylic painting in progress
- Owens pupfish, an endangered fish - acrylic painting
- Coqui frog, native to Puerto Rico, invasive in Hawai'i - acrylic painting
- El Dorado mule-ears, a rare plant - acrylic painting
- Prehistoric chert blade from Eastern Sierra region - colored pencil